Animal Maiden
Welcome to the home of the maidens
The Story
Interested to know the story of the maidens and join them in their fantastic adventure?
The Game - coming soon
Animal Maiden Project
At Animal Maiden NFT, we are dedicated to providing anime and waifu enthusiasts with a unique and exciting digital collectibles experience. We understand the passion and love that goes into collecting and owning a piece of your favorite anime characters, and we aim to bring that experience to collectors all over the world.Our collection is carefully curated with the goal of bringing together like-minded collectors who share a passion for Japanese anime and culture. From high-level art collections to exciting stories and games, we offer a diverse range of options for our holders to enjoy.We believe that owning an NFT should be more than just a transaction, it should be an experience. That's why we have created an ecosystem that offers not only beautiful digital art but also the opportunity for our holders to earn prizes through various games and events.Our platform is constantly evolving and updating, with new collections and experiences added regularly. We strive to create a community where collectors can not only own a piece of their favorite anime characters but also share and connect with other enthusiasts from all over the world.Join us on our journey to bring the wonderful art of Japanese anime and culture to the world. We are excited to have you be a part of the Animal Maiden NFT community.
Burn page
This page is for the holder to BURN their LEGENDARY FOX to claim for zodiac Maiden Toy. Please take note that you need to HOLD 12 DIFFERENT animals from the zodiac maiden collection in order to claim the toy. We will not be responsible if you burn wrong NFT or do not satisfy the requirement to claim the zodiac maiden toy. Please contact us first if you have any doubt. To burn your Legendary Fox NFT, please send/transfer it to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and fill in the email below after you have completedこのページでは、レジェンダリーフォックスを焼いて、干支乙女グッズを請求するためのものです。このページでは、星座の乙女コレクションから、12種類の動物を焼くことができます。万が一、間違ったNFTを燃やしたり、条件を満たさない場合は、責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。ご不明な点がございましたら、まず弊社までお問い合わせください。レジェンドフォックスNFTを焼くには、0x0000000000000000に送信/転送し、完了後に以下のメールを記入してください。
Mint page
Zodiac Maiden Collection will start minting on 15th Feb 2023 for holders of Animal Maiden collections.
第5章 魔性の巫女ジャクソンとユーリは旅を続けていたが、歩いているうちに土地が不毛になっていることに気づき、やがて小さな町に出くわした。「ジャクソンは言った。「ここに停まろう。「鉱山で見つけたレアメタルで、新しい武器を作ってくれる鍛冶屋があると聞いたんだ。町に入ると、すぐに異変に気がついた。町に入ると、すぐに異様な雰囲気に包まれた。ジャクソンは町の人たちに声をかけ、何が起こっているのか尋ねた。「そのうちの一人が声を震わせながら答えた。"悪魔の巫女が町の外にいて、大人の男を誘拐しているそうだ"。ジャクソンとユーリは顔を見合わせた。この悪魔の巫女について、もっと調べなければならないと思った。二人は鍛冶屋を見つけ、ジャクソンが新しい武器を作るために彼の店を使うことにした。ジャクソンが作業をしている間、ユーリは鍛冶屋に話を聞き、町の状況がますます悲惨になっていることを知った。日ごとに人がいなくなり、その行き先が分からなくなっているのだ。ジャクソンは3日間、休むことなく作業を続け、ついに強くて軽い新しい剣を作り上げた。そして、ユーリの鎧を強化し、フォックスボルトを使用する際に腕を安定させることができるようにした。ジャクソンは鍛冶屋に「ありがとうございました」と言いながら、旅に必要なものを集めた。「気をつけてね」鍛冶屋はそう言った。「この悪魔の乙女が何をしでかすか、誰も知らないのだ。町を出た二人は、魔性の乙女について何か情報がないか、郊外をぶらぶらしてみることにした。ジャクソンは一人で歩くことを提案し、仲間はいないことにして、ユーリは目立たないように彼の後をついて行った。森に入ると、すぐに背後から足音が聞こえてきた。ジャクソンが振り向くと、武装したチンピラたちがいた。「何の用だ?ジャクソンは弱気なふりをして尋ねた。「と、ジャクソンは弱気なふりをして聞いた。「もし彼女を見つけたいのなら、我々と一緒に来てもらおう」。ジャクソンは、行方不明者がどこに連れて行かれたかを知りたければ、一緒に行動しなければならないことを承知していた。ジャクソンはチンピラたちに任せ、ユーリは隠れるように後ろについて行った。ジャクソンの頭の中には、この先どんなことが起こるかわからないという思いがあった。そして、新しい武器とユーリの強化された防具で、悪魔の巫女を倒し、行方不明の人たちを救いたいと願った。
第4章: 廃墟となった鉱山ジャクソンとユーリは、アニマルキングダムに向かって旅を続けていた。歩きながら、二人は自分の過去や目標について話した。"お父さんみたいに、戦士になりたいの?" とユーリは聞いた。「そうだ」とジャクソンは答えた。「Vorgath教団に両親を殺されて以来、彼らの仇を討ち、戦士としての自分を証明することだけを考えてきたんだ」。「わかるよ」とユーリ。「私も仇を討ちたい気持ちはあります。私の両親も同じ教団の賊軍に殺されました。恩師であるヒロト先生の養子となり、武術を教わったが、これからは人を守り、自分と同じ苦しみを味わう人がいなくなるようにしたい」。旅の途中、ジャクソンは鍛冶屋としての技術を生かし、道中で見つけた材料を使って2人の武器や防具を作った。ユーリも、ヒロト先生から教わった武術をジャクソンに教えた。歩いていると、廃坑に出くわした。ジャクソンは、より良い武器を作るために、レアメタル(希少金属)を求めて鉱山を探検しようと提案する。ユーリもそれに同意し、二人は暗く、湿った、不気味な鉱山に足を踏み入れた。探検の途中、暗黒の生物に遭遇するが、二人の技量で簡単に倒すことができた。坑道の奥に進むと、壁に呪文のような奇妙な文字が書かれているのを見つけた。ユーリは興味津々で、その言葉を読み上げる。すると、その文字が光りだし、ユリに乗り移った。すると、その言葉が光りだし、ユリに乗り移った。ユリの体には、不思議なエネルギーが流れ込んできた。「今のは何?ジャクソンが驚いて聞いた。「わからない」とユーリは答えた。「でも、強くなった気がするんだ。しかし、それ以上のことは起こらないようだったので、彼らは鉱山を出て、夜のための食料と避難所を探すことにした。その時、ユーリがふざけて壁を叩くと、なんと彼女の手のひらからエネルギーボルトが発射され、壁を粉々にしてしまった。「ジャクソンが言った。「魔法が使えるんだね。なんて呼べばいいんだろう?"フォックスボルトはどう?" ユーリは、自分の狐の巫女としての力を感じて、そう提案した。二人は壁の奥にある隠し部屋に入り、大きな柱と水の流れる高い部屋にたどり着きました。奥へ進むと、巨大なサソリが現れ、入り口をふさいでいた。このままでは脱出できないので、巨大サソリと戦うしかない。「ジャクソン、私が気を引くから、あなたは弱点を探して」とユーリは叫び、フォックスボルトの魔法を放ちながら、巨大サソリに向かって突進する。巨大なサソリは獰猛で素早い。尻尾を振り回してくるが、それをかわしてフォックスボルトの魔法で反撃する。しかし、その魔法はサソリを傷つけるほど強くはなかった。「弱点を見つけたぞ!」。ジャクソンは、巨大なサソリが常に特定の場所を守っていることに気づき、叫んだ。「ユーリ、フォックスボルトの魔法でその場所を攻撃してみろ!」。ユーリは頷きながら、フォックスボルトの魔法を弱点に向けた。しかし、彼女はまだ新しい魔法を完全にコントロールできておらず、何も起こらなかった。戦いは長く、過酷なものだった。ジャクソンの剣は、新しく作ったとはいえ、巨大なサソリを傷つけるほど強くはない。右足を痛め、うまくかわすことができない。巨大サソリが尻尾でジャクソンを貫こうとしたとき、ユーリはついにフォックスボルトの魔法を全力で放ち、弱点に命中させた。巨大サソリはその場で息絶え、ジャクソンもユーリも疲れ果ててしまった。「よくやった、ユーリ」ジャクソンは息をついた。「君は僕の命を救ってくれたんだ」。「俺たちは最高のチームだ」ユーリは息を整えながら答えた。部屋を出ようとすると、隅に怪しい岩の山があるのに気づいた。ジャクソンがその石を動かすと、なんと、通常は最高級の武器にしか使われないレアメタルが見つかったのだ。「ジャクソン、大当たりだ!」。ユーリは、持てるだけレアメタルを集めると、こう叫んだ。「ジャクソン、大当たりだ!」ユーリはそう言って、持てるだけレアメタルを集め、ジャクソンは笑顔で言った。鉱山を出て、夜のキャンプをしながら、彼らは達成感と、自分たちの新しい能力の未来への興奮を抑えきれないでいた。
第3章 ユーリの道ユーリはまだ赤ん坊の時にヒロト先生の養女となった。両親はヴォーガス教団の盗賊に殺され、強力な武術家であるヒロト先生が彼女を引き取り、自分の子供として育てたのだ。幼い頃から武術の手ほどきを受けて育ったユリだったが、彼はユリが魔法の可能性を持っていることを常に知っていた。ある日、ヒロト先生は「ユーリ、君は特別な才能を持っている」と言った。「しかし、あなたの本当の可能性を引き出すためには、私のもとを離れ、世界に出て自分の道を探さなければならない。「でも先生、私、怖いんです」とユーリは答えた。"村の外に出るのは初めてだし、魔法の使い方もわからない""わかるよ、我が子よ" ヒロト先生は優しい笑顔で言った。「しかし、真の強さは恐怖に立ち向かうことから生まれることを忘れないでください。あなたは自分の道を見つけ、自分の力を活用する方法を学ぶことができます。そして、私はいつもあなたのためにここにいて、あなたを応援しています。ユリはヒロト先生に別れを告げ、自分の可能性を見つける旅に出る。鳥や小動物など、さまざまな生き物に出会う。鳥や小動物など、さまざまな生き物に出会い、歌ったり、歌ったりして、心を通わせていく。ある日、ユリは旅の途中で、地元のチンピラ2人が少年をいじめて、食べ物を全部奪おうとしているところに出くわしました。ユリは躊躇することなく、自分の得意とする武術を駆使して、そのチンピラたちを簡単に倒した。彼女は、スピードと機敏な動きで、彼らの攻撃をかわし、素早く正確な動きで反撃した。ほんの数分で、フーリガンは倒され、少年は無事でした。「ありがとう、本当にありがとう!」少年は涙を流して感謝した。「ありがとうございました!」少年は涙を流して感謝した。ユリは少年にお礼を言い、暗い森を調査することにした。すると、そこには意識を失って倒れている青年がいた。ジャクソンのことだ。彼は食べるために野生の果物を集めようとして、誤ってクモに毒を盛られたのだ。ユリは野生の薬草の知識を使って、すぐに彼を癒し、彼が目を覚ますまでそばにいた。ジャクソンが目を開けると、ユーリがそばに座っていた。「助けてくれてありがとう」と弱々しく言った。「ユーリは笑顔でこう言った。「あなたを放っておけなかったの。「助けなければならなかったんだ」。話をしながら、二人は互いの話をした。ジャクソンは復讐心と戦士になるまでの道のりを、ユーリは恐怖心と潜在能力を開花させるまでの道のりを語った。二人は同じような道を歩んでいることに気づき、当分の間、一緒に旅をすることにしました。「私はあなたの復讐を助けることはできないかもしれませんが、あなたの旅の伴侶になることはできます」とユーリは言った。「そして、私はあなたに魔法を教えることはできないかもしれませんが、あなたを守り、あなたの道を手助けすることはできます」とジャクソンは答えた。そして、お互いを理解し、尊敬し合う二人は、どんな困難にも立ち向かいながら、旅に出るのであった。
第2章 ジャクソンの旅ジャクソンは祖父のもとで育ち、鍛冶の技術を教わった。彼はいつも、ヴォーガス教団との戦いで死んだ父のような戦士になることを夢見ていた。この教団は盗賊で知られ、幼い頃にジャクソンの両親を目の前で殺害した。このトラウマから、ジャクソンは復讐心に燃え、戦士としての自分を証明する必要に迫られた。「ある日、ジャクソンはこう言った。「おじいさん。親の仇を討ち、軍隊に入らなければならないんだ」。経験豊富で賢い鍛冶屋の祖父は、誇りと悲しみが入り混じった表情で彼を見つめた。「しかし、覚えておいてほしい。「しかし、真の戦士とは剣を振るうだけでなく、剣を作ることができる者であることを忘れてはならない。鍛冶屋の技術は、戦士の技術と同じくらい重要だ。そして、私が知っていることはすべてあなたに教えました。「知っています、おじいさん」ジャクソンは答えた。「そして、私はあなたの教えを決して忘れません。しかし、私はこれをしなければなりません。自分の力を証明し、両親の仇を討たなければならないのです」。祖父は重い気持ちで彼に別れを告げ、自分の手で作った頑丈な剣を渡しました。「この剣はおまえによく役立つだろう。「しかし、真の戦士の強さは内面から生まれることを忘れるな」。ジャクソンは戦士になり、両親の仇を討つことを決意し、軍隊キャンプへの旅に出発した。その道中、彼は危険な山道や獰猛な怪物など、多くの困難に遭遇した。しかし、ジャクソンはキャンプに辿り着き、自分の力を証明することを決意し、突き進む。ある日、旅の途中、ジャクソンは暗いジャングルの中にいることに気づきました。ジャングルは密度が高く、危険な生物でいっぱいでした。彼は食べ物を探しているときに、大きな不器用なオークに出くわしました。そのオークは巨大で筋肉質で、唸り声を上げながらジャクソンに襲いかかってきた。ジャクソンは錆びた剣で武装しており、これは厳しい戦いになると思った。「俺の親にしたことの報いを受けるんだ!」。ジャクソンは叫びながら、剣を高く掲げてオークに向かって突進した。この戦いは残酷で激しいものだった。オークは巨大な棍棒を振りかざしたが、ジャクソンはそれをかわし、剣で反撃した。しかし、剣はオークの分厚い鎧にはかなわず、真っ二つに折れてしまった。ジャクソンは足が速く、そのスピードでオークの攻撃をかわし、素早いジャブやスラッシュで反撃した。しかし、戦いが進むにつれ、ジャクソンの体力は衰え始め、オークの鎧は剣には強すぎることがわかった。ジャクソンの肩に重い一撃が入り、ジャクソンは地面に転げ落ちた。"私はあきらめない "とジャクソンは立ち上がりながら言った。「親の仇を討つまではな」。激しい決意をもって、彼はもう一度オークに向かって突進した。しかし、今回は鍛冶の知識を駆使して挑んだ。祖父の言葉「真の戦士の強さは内面から生まれる」を思い出し、折れた剣でオークの鎧の弱点を突いたのです。オークは倒れた。ジャクソンは勝ったが、負傷していた。ジャクソンは休息が必要だと思い、暗いジャングルの中に入っていき、夜のキャンプを張ることにした。ジャクソンは、この旅で誰に出会い、どのように自分の運命を切り開いていくのだろうかと考え始めた。そして、その出会いが彼の人生を大きく変えることになるのです。
Animal Maiden Kingdom
Chapter 5: The Demon MaidenJackson and Yuri continued their journey, but as they walked, they noticed that the land became more barren, and soon they came across a small town."Let's stop here," Jackson said. "I've heard there's a blacksmith who can help me forge a new weapon with the rare metal we found in the mine."They entered the town and immediately noticed something strange. The people seemed to be on edge and kept to themselves. Jackson approached a group of townspeople and asked them what was going on."Have you heard about the missing people?" one of them replied, their voice trembling. "They say a demon maiden is outside the town, and she's been abducting adult men."Jackson and Yuri looked at each other, knowing they had to find out more about this demon maiden. They found the blacksmith, who agreed to let Jackson use his shop to forge a new weapon.As Jackson worked, Yuri spoke with the blacksmith and learned that the situation in the town was becoming more and more dire. Every day, more people were disappearing, and no one knew where they were going.Three days passed as Jackson worked non-stop, and finally, he had created a new sword that was both strong and light. He also enhanced Yuri's armor, making it not only stronger, but also able to help stabilize her arm when she used Foxbolt."Thank you for your help," Jackson said to the blacksmith as they gathered supplies for their journey."Be careful out there," the blacksmith warned. "No one knows what this demon maiden is capable of."As they left the town, they decided to hang around the outskirts to see if they could find any information about the demon maiden. Jackson suggested that he walk alone, pretending he didn't have a companion, while Yuri followed him discreetly.As they entered the woods, they soon heard footsteps behind them. Jackson turned around to find a group of armed thugs."What do you want?" Jackson asked, pretending to be weak."We heard you're looking for the demon maiden," one of the thugs said. "If you want to find her, you'll have to come with us."Jackson knew they had to play along if they wanted to find out where the missing people were being taken. He let the thugs take him, while Yuri followed closely behind, trying to remain hidden.As they walked deeper into the woods, Jackson's mind raced with thoughts about what he might face. He hoped that with his new weapon and Yuri's enhanced armor, they would be able to defeat the demon maiden and save the missing people.
Animal Maiden Kingdom
Chapter 4: The Abandoned MineJackson and Yuri continued their journey towards the Animal Kingdom. As they walked, they talked about their pasts and their goals."So you want to be a warrior, like your father?" Yuri asked."Yes," Jackson replied. "Ever since the Vorgath cult killed my parents, I've wanted nothing more than to avenge them and prove myself as a warrior.""I understand," Yuri said. "I too have a desire for revenge. My parents were killed by bandits from the same cult. My teacher Sensei Hiroto adopted me and taught me martial arts, but I want to be able to protect others and make sure no one else has to go through the same pain I did."As they traveled, Jackson used his skills as a blacksmith to make weapons and armor for the both of them using ingredients they found along the way. Yuri, in turn, taught Jackson some of the martial arts techniques Sensei Hiroto had taught her.As they walked, they came across an abandoned mine. Jackson suggested they explore the mine in search of rare metals to make better weapons. Yuri agreed and they ventured into the dark, wet, and eerie mine.As they explored, they encountered dark creatures, but with their combined skills, they were able to defeat them easily. They made their way to the end of the mine, where they found a wall with strange, spell-like words written on it.Yuri, always curious, read the words out loud. Suddenly, the words began to glow and transferred themselves onto Yuri. She felt a strange, new energy flowing through her body."What was that?" Jackson asked, amazed."I don't know," Yuri replied. "But I feel...stronger."However, nothing else seemed to happen, so they decided to leave the mine and find food and shelter for the night. As they were leaving, Yuri playfully tapped the wall and to her surprise, an energy bolt shot out from her palm and shattered the wall."Wow," Jackson said. "You have magic now! What should we call it?""How about Foxbolt?" Yuri suggested, feeling a connection to her fox maiden powers.They entered the hidden room behind the wall and found themselves in a tall chamber with big pillars and flowing water. As they ventured deeper into the room, a giant scorpion appeared and blocked the entrance. They had no choice but to fight the giant scorpion, as they couldn't escape from the room."Jackson, I'll distract it, you try to find its weak spot," Yuri shouted as she charged towards the giant scorpion, her Foxbolt magic ready to be unleashed.The giant scorpion was fierce and quick. It swung its tail at Yuri, but she was able to dodge it and strike back with her Foxbolt magic. However, the magic was not strong enough to harm the scorpion."I found its weak spot!" Jackson shouted as he noticed that the giant scorpion always protected a specific spot on its body. "Yuri, try to hit that spot with your Foxbolt magic!"Yuri nodded and aimed her Foxbolt magic at the weak spot. But she was still not fully in control of her new magic and nothing happened.The fight was long and grueling. Jackson's sword, though newly made, was not strong enough to harm the giant scorpion. He was also starting to feel the fatigue from the fight, his right leg was hurt and he was unable to dodge effectively.Just as the giant scorpion was about to pierce Jackson with its tail, Yuri finally unleashed her Foxbolt magic with full force, hitting the weak spot. The giant scorpion died on the spot and both Jackson and Yuri were exhausted."Great job, Yuri," Jackson panted. "You saved my life.""We make a great team," Yuri replied as she caught her breath.As they were about to leave the room, they noticed a suspicious pile of rocks in the corner. Jackson moved the rocks and to their surprise, they found a rare metal that was usually only used to make top-tier weapons."Jackson, we hit the jackpot!" Yuri exclaimed as they collected as much of the rare metal as they could carry."Let's get out of here and make some new weapons," Jackson said with a smile.As they left the mine and set up camp for the night, they couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement for what the future held for them and their new abilities.
Animal Maiden Kingdom
Chapter 3: Yuri's PathYuri was adopted by Sensei Hiroto when she was just a baby. Her parents were killed by bandits from the Vorgath cult and Sensei Hiroto, a powerful martial artist, took her in and raised her as his own. Growing up, Yuri was trained in the art of martial arts by Sensei Hiroto, but he always knew that she had a great potential in magic."Yuri, you have a special gift," Sensei Hiroto told her one day. "But in order to unlock your true potential, you must leave me and go out into the world to find your own path.""But Sensei, I'm scared," Yuri replied. "I've never been out of the village before and I don't know how to use my magic.""I understand, my child," Sensei Hiroto said with a kind smile. "But remember, true strength comes from facing your fears. You will find your way and learn how to harness your powers. And I will always be here for you, cheering you on."With a heavy heart, Yuri bid farewell to Sensei Hiroto and set off on her journey to discover her true potential. As she traveled, she met many creatures along the way, from birds to cute little animals. She would sing to them and they would sing back, and she felt a connection with all of them.One day, while on her journey, Yuri came across two local hooligans who were bullying a young boy and trying to take all of his food. Without hesitation, Yuri stepped in and used her martial arts expertise to take down the hooligans with ease. She was fast and agile, using her speed to dodge their attacks and strike back with quick and precise movements. In just a few short minutes, the hooligans were defeated and the young boy was safe."Thank you, thank you so much!" the boy exclaimed, tears of gratitude in his eyes. "I saw someone rush into the dark forest over there, they might need help."Yuri thanked the boy and decided to investigate the dark forest. As she entered, she saw a young man lying on the ground, unconscious. It was Jackson, and he had been accidentally poisoned by a spider while trying to gather wild fruits to eat. Yuri quickly used her knowledge of wild herbs to heal him and stayed by his side until he woke up."Thank you for saving me," Jackson said weakly as he opened his eyes and saw Yuri sitting beside him."I couldn't just leave you there," Yuri replied with a smile. "I had to help."As they talked, they shared their stories with each other. Jackson spoke of his desire for revenge and his journey to become a warrior, while Yuri shared her fears and her desire to unlock her true potential. They both realized that they were on similar paths and decided to travel together for the time being."I may not be able to help you with your revenge, but I can be a companion on your journey," Yuri said."And I may not be able to teach you magic, but I can protect you and help you on your path," Jackson replied.With a newfound understanding and respect for each other, they set off on their journey together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Animal Maiden Kingdom
Chapter 1: The Kingdom of the Animal MaidensThe Kingdom of the Animal Maidens was a land of wonder and magic. It was ruled by the first animal maiden, Ava, a powerful and wise leader who had the ability to transform other animals into human form. The kingdom was home to all manner of creatures, from birds and beasts to fish and insects, all living in harmony with one another.8000 years ago, the kingdom was faced with an ancient evil. A wicked dragon and his army of dark creatures threatened to enslave the animal maidens and destroy their way of life. The dragon, Vorgath, was once a powerful sorcerer who was corrupted by his own ambition and greed. He wanted to conquer the entire world and rule over all living beings. He saw the kingdom of animal maidens as a threat to his plan, and thus decided to eliminate them.Ava knew that she had to act fast before the dragon could launch his attack. She rallied her people and called upon all the animal maidens to join her in the war against the dragon. She knew that it wouldn't be an easy task, but she was determined to protect her people and preserve their way of life.The war was long and brutal, but Ava and her maiden army fought bravely, never giving up hope. They battled the dragon and his minions on land, in the skies, and even beneath the sea. The dragon had an army of dark creatures under his command, such as demons, orcs, and undead soldiers. However, Ava and her army were not alone in this war. Many other races joined them in the battle, like the dwarves, elves, and even some humans.Finally, after years of conflict, Ava was able to defeat the dragon and drive the darkness from the kingdom. The animal maidens were free once again, and the kingdom was at peace.Ava, being the greatest leader ever, established a new order in the kingdom, where all the maidens would find their human partners and live with them for the rest of their lives. Since then, the Kingdom of the Animal Maidens has been a place of safety, prosperity, and love.Ava's magic also had an effect on the next generation of animal maidens, as their offspring would inherit the animal traits from their mothers, making them stronger and more powerful than ordinary humans. They would become the animal maidens we see now, human in appearance but with the strength and abilities of their animal ancestors.
Animal Maiden Kingdom
Chapter 2: Jackson's JourneyJackson grew up with his grandfather, who taught him the art of blacksmithing. He always dreamed of becoming a warrior like his father, who died in battle fighting against the Vorgath cult. The cult was known for their banditry and for killing Jackson's parents in front of him when he was just a child. This traumatic experience left him with a burning desire for revenge and a need to prove himself as a warrior."Grandfather," Jackson said one day, "I have to do this. I have to avenge my parents and join the army."His grandfather, a wise and experienced blacksmith, looked at him with a mix of pride and sadness. "I understand, my boy," he said. "But remember, a true warrior is not just someone who can wield a sword, but also someone who can make one. A blacksmith's craft is just as important as a warrior's skills. And I have taught you everything I know.""I know, grandfather," Jackson replied. "And I will never forget your teachings. But I must do this. I must prove myself and avenge my parents."With a heavy heart, his grandfather bid him farewell and gave him a sturdy sword, crafted by his own hands. "This sword will serve you well, my boy," he said. "But always remember, a true warrior's strength comes from within."Jackson set off on his journey to the army camp, determined to become a warrior and avenge his parents. Along the way, he encountered many challenges, from treacherous mountain passes to fierce monsters. But he pushed forward, determined to make it to the camp and prove himself.One day, while on his journey, Jackson found himself in a dark jungle. The jungle was dense and full of dangerous creatures. He was searching for food when he stumbled upon a big clumsy orc. The orc was huge and muscular, and it charged at Jackson with a roar. Jackson was armed with a rusty sword, and he knew that this was going to be a tough fight."You will pay for what you did to my parents!" Jackson shouted as he charged towards the orc with his sword held high.The fight was brutal and intense. The orc swung its massive club at Jackson, but he was able to dodge it and strike back with his sword. However, the sword was no match for the orc's thick armor and it broke in half. Jackson was quick on his feet, he used his speed to dodge the orc's attacks and strike back with quick jabs and slashes. But as the fight went on, Jackson's strength began to wane and the orc's armor proved too tough for the sword. The orc landed a heavy blow on Jackson's shoulder, sending him tumbling to the ground."I will not give up," Jackson said as he got back on his feet. "Not until I avenge my parents."With a fierce determination, he charged towards the orc once more. But this time, he used his knowledge of blacksmithing to his advantage. He remembered his grandfather's words, "a true warrior's strength comes from within." and he used the broken sword to strike the weak spot of the orc's armor. The orc fell to the ground, defeated.Jackson emerged victorious, but also injured from the fight. He knew he needed rest, so he retreated into the dark jungle and decided to set up camp for the night.As he lay down to rest, he couldn't help but wonder who else he might meet on his journey and how they would help shape his destiny. Little did he know, his path was about to cross with a young fox maiden, and their meeting would change the course of his life forever.
Maiden Game
Animal Maiden Game currently under testing phase and only open for selected tester. If you are a holder and interested to test the game, please contact us via official Twitter link below.